Meets every 3rd Thursday before the 4th Sunday at 7:30PM

Mission Statement
By the leading of the Holy Spirit, the Women’s Ministry of New Smyrna Missionary Baptist Church will provide opportunities for women to fulfill their purposes in support of the Great Commission of Jesus Christ through outreach and to strengthen their relationship with God and with each other.


We value the commission of the Church and women’s responsibilities to fulfill that commission.
We value our relationship with God and our responsibility to nurture our relationships with Him.
We value the spiritual gifts that have been given to women and our responsibility to provide opportunities for meaningful service.
We value the spiritual gifts that have been given to men and recognize the importance of complimenting those gifts in Christian service.
We value our children and youths and our responsibility to nurture their relationships with God Jesus Christ.
We value the unique needs of women and our responsibility to help meet those needs.
We value our Church family and the need to strengthen relationships with all members of the Body of Christ.


To identify, utilize, and nurture the spiritual gifts given to women.
To provide a positive climate for women to experience growth in service to the Body of Christ.
To equip and empower women for effective ministry to others.
To be Christ-like examples to our children.
To reach out to our neighbors, treating them with acceptance and respect.
To reach out to the unsaved by providing an entry point to the Church.
To implement domestic and international outreach ministries. To partner with other ministries.

The Women’s Ministry of New Smyrna Missionary Baptist Church Is Dedicated to Becoming Examples of a Virtuous Woman.



© 2019 New Smyrna Missionary Baptist Church | 4417 Douglas Street, NE, Washington, DC | (202) 396-9095 | newsmyrnambc@gmail.com